These pages are meant  mainly for engineering students studying in second year( Mumbai university only). If you are from some other university then confirm with your professors whether these formulae/methods are valid for your university.

BJT single stage amplifier designing
FET single stage amplifier designing
BJT multistage amplifier designing
Power amplifier designing
Solved problems

Design of single stage JFET amplifier

1: Design for device parameter variations
2: Design for midpoint biasing
3: Design for Zero thermal drift
4: Graphical methord

[Do not write text included in square bracket  ]

Type 1:Design against device parameter variations

Step1: Selection of biasing circuit

   We select voltage divider bias circuit as it provides stable quiescent point against device parameter variations

[Draw the figure]
FET Vol div amp

Step 2:Selection of Idq

Given Id min & Id max
Idq = (Idmin + Id max)/2

Step 3: Selection of Vgsq

Id = Idss * sqr(1- (Vgs/Vp))

Vgs = Vp *  (1 - sqrt(Id/Idss))

Calculate Vgs max  by substituting Vp max, Id max & Idss max inVgs
Similarly calculate Vgs min

Vgsq = (Vgs max + Vgs min)/2

Step 4: Selection of Rs

Rs = (mod(Vgs max) - mod(Vgs min))/(Idq max - Idq min)

Step 5: Selection of Rd

gm = gmo(1 - (Vgs/Vp typ))

Gain of JFET amplifier, mod(Av) = gm * RL'

If RL is given
RL' = (rd) parallel (Rd) parallel (RL)

If RL is not given
assume RL = infinity
RL' = (rd) parallel (Rd)

Calculate Rd from above

[If required gain(Av) is greater than a specified value, select higher std value]

[If required gain(Av) is equal to a specified value, select nearest standard value]

Step 6: Selection of Vdsq

Case 1: Vo is given & Vdd is not given

Providing 15% margin we get
Vdsq = 1.15 * (mod(Vp typ) + Vo peak)

Case 2: Vo is not given & Vdd is given

Vdsq = (mod(Vp typ) + Vdd)/2

Case3: Vo is not given & Vdd is not given

Assume Vo = 1.5 V
Vdsq = 1.15 * (mod(Vp typ) + Vo peak)

Step 7: Selection of Vdd

Vdd = Idq * (Rd + Rs) + Vdsq
Select higher std value

Step 8: Selection of R1 & R2

Vg = (Idq * Rs) + Vgsq

Vg = Vdd * R2/(R1 + R2)
[Find R1 in terms of R2 & assume R2 = 1 M ohm & calculate R1]

Step 9: Selection of coupling capacitors

[Select higher standard value for all capacitors]

Selection of Cg:

  [FL = lower cutoff frequency.AssumeFL = 20 Hz (For all capacitors)if not specified. Voltage ratings of capacitors > Vdd]

Xcg = (R1) parallel (R2)
Cg = 1/(2 * pi * FL * Xcg)

Selection of Cd:

Xcd = (rd) parallel (Rd) + RL
Hence Cd = 1/(2 * pi * FL * Xcd)
If RL is not specified, assume RL = Ri = (R1) parallel (R2)

Selection of Cs:

Xcs = (Rs) parallel (1/gm)
Cg = 1/(2 * pi * FL * Xcs)

[Draw the figure with designed values]

Type 2: Design For midpoint biasing

We use only typical values for midpoint biasing

Step1: Selection of biasing circuit

We use self bias circuit

[Draw the figure]
FET self bias

Step 2:Selection of Idq

Idq = Idss typ/2

Step 3: Selection of Vgsq

Idq = Idss typ * sqr(1- (Vgsq/Vp typ))
Vgsq = Vp typ *  (1 - sqrt(Idq/Idss typ))

Step 4: Selection of Rs

Rs = (mod(Vgsq)/(Idq)

Step 5: Selection of Rd

gm = gmo(1 - (Vgsq/Vp typ))

Gain of JFET amplifier, mod(Av) = gm * RL'

If RL is given
RL' = (rd) parallel (Rd) parallel (RL)

If RL is not given
assume RL = infinity
RL' = (rd) parallel (Rd)

[Calculate Rd from above, Select higher standard value]

[If required gain(Av) is greater than a specified value, select higher std value]

[If required gain(Av) is equal to a specified value, select nearest standard value]

Step 6: Selection of Vdsq

Case 1: Vo is given & Vdd is not given

Providing 15% margin we get
Vdsq = 1.15 * (mod(Vp typ) + Vo peak)

Case 2: Vo is not given & Vdd is given

Vdsq = (mod(Vp typ) + Vdd)/2

Case3: Vo is not given & Vdd is not given

Assume Vo = 1.5 V
Vdsq = 1.15 * (mod(Vp typ) + Vo peak)

Step 7: Selection of Vdd

Vdd = Idq * (Rd + Rs) + Vdsq
Select higher std value

Step 8: Selection of Rg

Assume Rg = 1 M ohm

Step 9: Selection of coupling capacitors

[Select higher standard value for all capacitors]

Selection of Cg:

  [FL = lower cutoff frequency.AssumeFL = 20 Hz (For all capacitors)if not specified. Voltage ratings of capacitors > Vdd]

Xcg = (Rg)
Cg = 1/(2 * pi * FL * Xcg)

Selection of Cd:

Xcd = (rd) parallel (Rd) + RL
If RL is not specified, assume RL = Ri = (R1) parallel (R2)

Selection of Cs:

Xcs = (Rs) parallel (1/gm)
Cg = 1/(2 * pi * FL * Xcs)

[Draw the circuit with designed values]


Type 3: Design for zero thermal drift

Step 1: Selection of biasing circuit

[Draw the figure]

FET self bias

Step 2: Selection of Vgsq

mod(Vp typ) - mod(Vgsq) = 0.63V
Calculate Vgsq

Step 3: Selection of Idq

Idq = Idss typ * sqr(1 - ( Vgsq/Vptyp)

Step 4: Selection of Rs

Vgsq = - Idq * Rs
Rs = mod(Vgsq/Idq)
[Select nearest std value]

Step 5: Selection of Rd

gm = gmo(1 - (Vgsq/Vp typ))

Gain of JFET amplifier, mod(Av) = gm * RL'

If RL is given
RL' = (rd) parallel (Rd) parallel (RL)

If RL is not given
assume RL = infinity
RL' = (rd) parallel (Rd)

[Calculate Rd from above, Select higher standard value]

[If required gain(Av) is greater than a specified value, select higher std value]

[If required gain(Av) is equal to a specified value, select nearest standard value]

Step 6: Selection of Vdsq

Providing 15% margin we get
Vdsq = 1.15 * (mod(Vp typ) + Vo peak)

Step 7: Selection of Vdd

Vdd = Idq * (Rd + Rs) + Vdsq
Select higher std value

Step 8: Selection of Rg

Assume Rg = 1 M ohm

Step 9: Selection of coupling capacitors

[Select higher standard value for all capacitors]

Selection of Cg:

  [FL = lower cutoff frequency.AssumeFL = 20 Hz (For all capacitors)if not specified. Voltage ratings of capacitors > Vdd]

Xcg = (Rg)
Cg = 1/(2 * pi * FL * Xcg)

Selection of Cd:

Xcd = (rd) parallel (Rd) + RL
If RL is not specified, assume RL = Ri = (R1) parallel (R2)

Selection of Cs:

Xcs = (Rs) parallel (1/gm)
Cg = 1/(2 * pi * FL * Xcs)

[Draw the circuit with designed values]

Graphical method



    [In graphical methord draw the graph of Ids against Vds [Values given in data sheet.You will be given the value/s of or range of Ids  (2 values(max or min) or range of values for device parameter variation & single value(typ) for other methods)]

    [Plot the required value/s of Vgs & find Vgsq & continue with the usual method. The answers in the 2 methods will differ a lot for the same problem. For device parameter variation use max & min curve to calculate Vgs max & min resp. For other methods use typ curve unless mentioned otherwise ]

Std values